Small-scale filming agreements

Small-scale filming agreements (SSFA)

Productions with a total of 10 people or less should apply for station filming using our small-scale filming agreement (SSFA) form.  All productions wishing to film within five working days at our stations must use these forms.

SSFAs are the quickest and easiest way to apply.  So long as you can stick to the filming areas we've picked, limit your people numbers and hand-carry your equipment they'll be the best solution.  So you know, only the following equipment is allowed :

  • Hand-held camera
  • Monopod
  • Tripod
  • Slider (1 metre maximum)
  • Steadicam or similar (not an easyrig)
  • Hand-held or radio microphones (not boom poles)
  • Reflector (1.2 metre2 maximum; not silver/gold)
  • Wireless monitor.

Forms need to be filled out electronically (not handwritten) and sent to, with a valid public liability insurance certificate (with a minimum indemnity of £10m).  All filming must adhere to our safety guidelines and rules regarding content, storylines and themes.  SSFAs are contractual agreements which carry non-refundable filming fees; cancellations will be charged in line with our cancellation policy (see fees).